Make a simple game using Pygame

Rabbit Pygame Project

This is a basic game I developed as a teaching tool during a tutorial session with my students. The goal is to inspire them to create more advanced and intricate game projects in Python for their end-of-semester assignments. See the code on CarrotQuest Repository


  • Pygame: Used for game development, managing assets like images and sounds, and handling events.

File Structure

  • The main script which contains the game logic.
  • This script should contain the definitions for Carrot and Rabbit classes (not provided here).
  • art/bg.png: Background image file.
  • eat.wav: Sound file which plays when a carrot is caught.

How to Run

To run the game, simply execute the script.


Code Structure

Importing Necessary Modules

import pygame
from models import *

Initializing Pygame and Variables

We initialize Pygame and necessary variables including the screen dimensions and FPS.

clock = pygame.time.Clock()
Fps = 30
screen_w = 580
screen_h = 620

Loading Assets

Loading necessary assets like background image and eating sound.

bg = pygame.image.load("art/bg.png").convert_alpha()
bg = pygame.transform.scale(bg, (screen_w, screen_h))
eat = pygame.mixer.Sound("eat.wav")

Creating Rabbit and Carrots

Initializing the rabbit and carrots objects. The carrots are created in a list with randomized positions.

rect1, rabbit = Rabbit(300, screen_h - 135)
carrots = []
for carrot in range(4):
    carrots.append(Carrot(random.randint(20, screen_w-20), random.randint(-50, -10)))

Main Game Loop

Within the main game loop, we perform several actions including checking for events, handling collision detection, and updating the positions of carrots and rabbit.

while run:
    # ... (rest of the loop)

Drawing the Scene

Within the main loop, we have a section where we draw the carrots, rabbit, and the score onto the window.

win.blit(rabbit, (rect1.x, rect1.y))
text = font.render(str(score), 1, (255, 255, 255))
win.blit(text, (screen_w/2.1, 20))
win.blit(bg, (0, 0))


This is a simple Pygame project to showcase the creation of a game with basic collision detection and scorekeeping. You can further expand this project by adding more features and refining the existing ones.

Farouk Yahaya, PhD
Farouk Yahaya, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Associate