Make a simple game using Pygame
Rabbit Pygame Project
This is a basic game I developed as a teaching tool during a tutorial session with my students. The goal is to inspire them to create more advanced and intricate game projects in Python for their end-of-semester assignments. See the code on CarrotQuest Repository
- Pygame: Used for game development, managing assets like images and sounds, and handling events.
File Structure
: The main script which contains the game
: This script should contain the definitions forCarrot
classes (not provided here).art/bg.png
: Background image
: Sound file which plays when a carrot is caught.
How to Run
To run the game, simply execute the
Code Structure
Importing Necessary Modules
import pygame
from models import *
Initializing Pygame and Variables
We initialize Pygame and necessary variables including the screen dimensions and FPS.
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
Fps = 30
screen_w = 580
screen_h = 620
Loading Assets
Loading necessary assets like background image and eating sound.
bg = pygame.image.load("art/bg.png").convert_alpha()
bg = pygame.transform.scale(bg, (screen_w, screen_h))
eat = pygame.mixer.Sound("eat.wav")
Creating Rabbit and Carrots
Initializing the rabbit and carrots objects. The carrots are created in a list with randomized positions.
rect1, rabbit = Rabbit(300, screen_h - 135)
carrots = []
for carrot in range(4):
carrots.append(Carrot(random.randint(20, screen_w-20), random.randint(-50, -10)))
Main Game Loop
Within the main game loop, we perform several actions including checking for events, handling collision detection, and updating the positions of carrots and rabbit.
while run:
# ... (rest of the loop)
Drawing the Scene
Within the main loop, we have a section where we draw the carrots, rabbit, and the score onto the window.
win.blit(rabbit, (rect1.x, rect1.y))
text = font.render(str(score), 1, (255, 255, 255))
win.blit(text, (screen_w/2.1, 20))
win.blit(bg, (0, 0))
This is a simple Pygame project to showcase the creation of a game with basic collision detection and scorekeeping. You can further expand this project by adding more features and refining the existing ones.